Company Wind Up Notices
Sequestration Orders
Garnishee Notices
If you have just received any of the above notices these are as serious as things could possibly get and it is imperative that you ACT now otherwise both your Business and Personal assets are at considerable risk.
If you have received a Windup Notices and do nothing your Business will be wound up and placed into the hands of a Court appointed Liquidator.
In Australia, the Australian Taxation Office instigate more Windup Notices than any other Creditor but whether the notice is from the ATO or someone else matters little as it is imperative that you act now and call us for free confidential advice.
On the papers you have received you will see a court date and this date is crucial – this is the date you go to court to have your Business wound up so it is important that we act now and discuss your options as well as discuss arranging legal representation in court for you on this date.
Remember our aim is to help protect your assets and Business whilst achieving the best outcome possible for you personally as well because unfortunately, in some instances as well as your Business being at risk you could also be made personally liable.
There are many options to consider once you have received a Wind-Up Notice these range from Refinancing to pay out the debt in full to arranging a Voluntary Administration or entering into a Deed of Company Arrangement.
Another option to consider is maybe selling the Business – but call us today to see how we can help.
Call us on 1300 803 290 for a Free Consultation.